Saturday, August 05, 2006

6 years ago

6 years ago to-day.
We promised to live together for always.
We had a fantastic day with loads of friends and family.
We started our live together in our new house.

And that for someone who could never settle down..... 28 years old and moved 29 times!
Now 6 years later we live in the same house, that says enough.
I warned Jos he would be getting on a rollercoaster ride. I am not easy to live with.

6 years Later he still loves me;-)
and I LOVE him.


D@nielle said...

Congratulations to both of you, hope you have a wonderfull evening. I was wondering what your photo's would look like, you look so different ! grts, D@nielle

Angelique said...

Gefeliciteerd ! Ahhh, wat een mooie letterlijk natuurlijke trouwfoto van 6 jaar terug....
Nog vele gezonde jaren saampjes !