Saturday, September 02, 2006

Yes it has really started

To-day they came to make a start on the poles that need to be in the ground for the foundation of the house. 7am this morning YES on a day that we would normally be able to "sleep"in till (when lucky) 8am we had to be up and ready before 7. Not only us but the neighbours as well.
You hold your breathe when they take things that are VERY HEAVY and lift them over you house!!!!! All went well, our first pole in not yet in but Monday it's our turn and the crane is at the back of our house waiting to do it's job. Our house now looks like this........
These are some of the tops of the poles that went in.........
And here are the bottom bits the are about 10meters each....

1 comment:

FauveDesign said...

WOW,good luck on the house!!