Monday, June 26, 2006

Day 3 Japan

Well I went with Erwin to the J:Com office to day to set up the laptops. We first had to figure out where we needed to be once the cab driver kicked us out of his cab and pointed said AIH took his money and left, we first thought he had enough of us and just kicked us out anywhere but turn out his finger was just pointing in the wrong direction.

The laptops had arrived safely and had been given the code name the ROCK by the assistant Abe-san. I saw why it was HUGE. In the "rock" were all the needed computers, pens, bloknotes and workbooks. Missing was YIP the adaptors.. So off we went to find some adaptors not a easy job when everything is in Japanese and people don't understand much English...
Managed to find 10 (need 15) oh well beter then nothing will have to make it work.

Braved the subway system again (cheaper the taxi's but give no receipt so that will be fun when try to reclaim the cash back from work)

Managed to get a bit lost... but had the good sense to ask someone which way we should go and then managed to find our way back to the hotel. Saw some funny things along the way it's a very different culture.

There are more restuarants the clothing stores in the city, they have vending machines with cooldrinks and cigarettes at every street corner, you can only smoke outside in assigned smokig area's so funny. When you have dinner you have to order everything you want to eat and drink from the start cause while ou are still eating they bring you the check.
Fashion here is also different to say the least.

Tomorrow I have a day of training, they have a staff meeting first so we can only start at 10.30 am, plus they have to have an hour lunch and to work after 18 could be a problem. Can you beleive it. All the way from Holland to give a training and they plan a staff meet that can't be changed on the day of the training.... I am shocked.

Unable to load photos will try and add photos tomorrow. Have a great day all

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