Thursday, July 20, 2006

CRAZY week and now Holidays

Well what a crazy week I've had. The weekend was cool, saturday we went car hunting... and sunday was RELAX day outside in the pool, braai in the garden general chill. BUT in the back of my mind was the up coming training and what needed to be done.
So monday till yesterday were 3 days of HARD work and long hours but that is now DONE.
Tuesday was my nephew's birthday Roan. He is now 6 years old! I haven't seen him in almost a year. Again I tried to call but no answer left a message usaual but also no reaction. Oh well!
SO Roan Happy Birthday hope you had a good day.

I am now on HOLIDAY 3 weeks of no HAVE TOOOOOOO YEAHHHHH

here are some pictures of the weekend MY SURFER BOYZZZZZ.

1 comment:

D@nielle said...

hihi how cute are those pants with the flowers !!!
Soo good your holiday started, I hope you have a wonderfull & relaxed holiday. See you saturday !