Thursday, July 13, 2006

Lunch out

Today was so nice out that I decided to pick up Riley for his lunch break with the bike, Only problem with that is the distance. I would never have made it from school to the house, have lunch and then get back. So I took lunch with. We found a nice spot under some trees behind the city hall in Uithoorn. After lunch the boys started running around. Riley had a game where he does ienie minie mynie moe but then in Dutch ienie mienie mutte baas and the baas (boss) is allowed to run.
I happend to look at the ground and saw the dog poep....ewwwwh and of course Riley had stood in it... so I had to try and clean his shoes.
Took him back to school and then took Caden home, he fell asleep on the bike poor thing. I put him into bed for a bit and then woke him up just before we had to pick up Riley.
Took some cool photo's of a very cute little girl named Silver she is stunning.

1 comment:

D@nielle said...

what a good idea, except for it ending with the dog poo ....
grts, D@nielle